1 Month – Certified Cooking Program

Certified Cooking Program is a professional level cooking program where you’ll be learning cuisines from around the world including Pakistani, Chinese, French, Middle Eastern, Parsi, Indian and more. This course will help you learn some great cooking tips and tricks with some of the best chefs of our industry.

This program is designed to integrate a range of skills to provide knowledge of a range of international cuisines. Students also learn skills essential to success in the industry, including nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene principles.

The learning outcomes of this program equip students with advanced skills to work in the most internationally competitive and professional environments.

This program is designed to integrate a range of skills to provide knowledge of a range of international cuisines. Students also learn skills essential to success in the industry, including nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene principles.

The learning outcomes of this program equip students with advanced skills to work in the most internationally competitive and professional environments.